
Recent Update to Section 301 Tariffs

On May 22, 2024, the U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) published a Federal Register Notice (“FRN”) regarding proposed modifications to tariffs imposed on Chinese-origin steel under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 (“Section 301”). The FRN provides details on last week’s announcement from the White House where President Biden directed USTR to increase tariffs […]

Navigating the Dueling Sanctions Regimes: A Guide For Businesses Operating in The United States and China

[1] On April 9, 2024, I shared a panel discussion on Crucial Compliance Updates: What’s on Your Radar?, a program that was hosted by the Madison International Trade Association (MITA). My presentation explored the intricacies and challenges that global companies now face when trying to maintain compliant operations amidst conflicting U.S. and China laws. At […]

Eyes on the Americas Trade and Investment Act

On March 6, 2024 Senators Bill Cassidy (LA), Michael Bennet (CO), Adriano Espaillat (NY), and Maria Elvira Salazar (FL) introduced the Americas Trade and Investment Act with the endorsement and co-sponsorship from Congressman Mike Gallagher, Wisconsin Representative and the Chairman of the House Select China Committee Chairman. The proposed bipartisan legislation aims to minimize U.S. […]

The Ripples of U.S. – China Trade Tensions

The United States and China, two of the largest economies in the world, continue to compete in both national security and economic output. The impacts of this rivalry can be seen across industries, including a focus on advanced technologies and renewable energies. While each nation seeks complete economic independence and national autonomy from the other, […]

MITA Announces Its 2024 Board of Directors Election Results

The Madison International Trade Association is proud to welcome Chrissy Blanchard and Chris Rosborough to its board of directors. The newly elected members will serve a three-year term on the MITA Board of Directors starting January 1, 2024. Chrissy Blanchard, a Certified Global Business Professional through NASBITE International, manages all aspects of US import/export processes […]

USMCA Panel Rules in Favor of Canadian Dairy Tariffs

Trade Dispute Panel Rules Against U.S. Claim of Unfair Canadian Dairy Tariffs Rate Quotas On Friday, November 24th , a dispute settlement panel created under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“USMCA”) released a final report approving Canada’s most recent dairy Tariff-Rate Quota (“TRQs”) requirements. This finding that Canadian TRQs do not breach USMCA obligations, “flies in […]

Customs Audit Photo

Tips for a Successful Customs Audit: Event Recap

With the new fiscal year starting on October 1st, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“Customs”) will begin to notify U.S. importers of their selection for and required participation in various audit and assessment programs. As FTI Consulting’s (“FTI”), Alison Jacobs, Courtney Stiers, and Matt Williams discussed, Customs has been increasingly focused on enforcement recently, and […]


USITC Findings on Foreign Trade Zones

For the first time since 1988, the US Trade Representative (“USTR”) requested that the US International Trade Commission (“USITC”) evaluate the foreign Trade zone (“FTZ”) program, specifically evaluating the program’s impact on employment and competitiveness of goods produced in FTZs.[1] Thus, the USITC instituted the “Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs): Effects of FTZ Policies and Practices […]

Supply Chain

Message from MITA’s new President, Carla Kutsche

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the recently elected Madison International Trade Association (MITA) President for 2023 and to welcome you to another year of informing, networking and connecting with MITA. I, along with the Executive Team of Dan Brink (Vice President), Phil Gantz (Treasurer) and Maureen Muldoon (Secretary), as well […]

Section 301 Tariffs on Chinese-Origin Goods: 4 Years In

Overall, most trade analysts agree that the Section 301 tariffs have not succeeded in decoupling the U.S. and Chinese economies. Rather, they have highlighted some industries and sectors where the U.S. is still heavily reliant on China and where other countries and domestic sources may not be able to meet U.S. demand. In 2017, the […]

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MITA is a Madison, Wisconsin-based organization with the simple goal to connect and provide global know-how and resources to its members. MITA provides international trade information to the organizations and individuals looking to expand their international reach. From trade agreements to export documentation to economic trends and prevailing world issues, MITA keeps its members “in the know.”

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The Madison International Trade Association (MITA) provides critical resources to EMPOWER Wisconsin manufacturers, organizations and individuals to succeed globally. Our mission is to foster a better understanding of the issues, practices, information, legislation and trends that affect and influence all aspects of global trade.